Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting Critical About Art

Childe Hassam, Allies Day, May 1917, 1917
Jasper John, Three Flags, 1958.

In these works of art, they both are pictures of the American Flag. In Hassam's Allies Day the American flag is being celebrated by people and being waved around and there is more then just one flag. In Johns Three Flags, it is just of three different sizes of flags laid on top of each other.

Hassam's Allies Day depicts the flag in more active terms. The flag is being appreciated by the American people who are waving the flag in the picture. The colors red, white and blue is seen everywhere in the picture. His image provokes patriotism because the flag is being more actively used and appreciated by the people. In order for it to be patriotic, there needs to be people who are acknowledging the flag not only as just a flag but as a symbol for their country. We look at this image and analyze it as patriotic because of the usage of the flag in the image.

Unlike Johns Three Flags, that canvases are just strategically placed on top of each other to create an image of the American flag. Althought it does show patriotism because it is the American flag itself, but nother else goes along with it. Unlike Hassam's image where people are embracing the flag, in Johns' image the flags are getting smaller. Which almost is saying that America is not so big anymore as a country and diminishes the idea of America stands for.

Monday, January 14, 2008

All About Me!

Hi everyone!
My name is Jessie Manzer and I am in my 2nd year at Sierra College. My first year was spent at Sonoma State University on a soccer scholorship, but decided to make school my main focus. I am a Business Admin. major and hoping to transfer to Sac State very soon!

This is my first Art class I have taken at Sierra, so I am a little nervous but very excited for whats to come. I have never looked at art in any other way but just looking at it. I never tried to realize the meanings behind it. That's why I think this class is going to be extra challenging for me, but I am up for it!

Besides school, i love being outdoors and being active. During the winter i love to go skiing and during the summer I am usually always at the lake doing all sorts of water sports. I love being with my family and friends in my spare time. I am very excited to begin learning and appreciating Art! Good luck to everyone!