Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Watch The Magic!

For this blog, I chose to "Watch The Magic" happen on a fountain in my back yard. The sun hit the fountain perfectly and I knew it was going to be really interesting to see what was going to happen! I went outside around 2:15 pm to take the first picture of the fountain. So seen here you can see the effects of chiaroscuro. The way the sun is hitting the fountian makes a portion of the fountain color lighter. Then as a part of the fountain rounds you can see that where the sun isn't directly hitting it gets a little darker, then you see the shadow itself. With the sun directly hitting the fountain, you can definitely see the hue of the fountain is not so intense. It is almost like red was mixed with a gray or black to make it more of a shade of the color red. The coloring of the fountain almost looks vivid to the eye. After observing the fountain, I waited for about 3 hours until I took the next photo of the fountain when the sun was getting ready to set. After taking the photo you can see the enormous difference between the two photos. As the sun set, the light was not as direct as it was. Now the value of the fountain became darker and it is not as vivid as the first photo.
It became obvious to me that the sun plays an important part in the fountains color. When it is more direct you can see the different effects it has on the color and how there is chiaroscuro. Then after taking the picture when the sun wasn't directly hitting it, the color of the fountain became a shade of the color before. Doing this definitely made me understand better the concepts between light and color. It's fascinating how light can effect color in so many ways. I never realized this until doing this assignment, and it really makes you appreciate the color around you. The thing that helped the most, is relating our words to the this assignment. It helped me better understand them and now I can apply them to everything when I am outside!