Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two Worlds Collide!

Keith Cottingham and Aziz & Cucher artworks largely relate to the "The Collision of Two Worlds" lecture. As they alter their photographs it does show the how many of the images today become changed to show a different meaning. Aziz & Cucher's photographs definitely show how alterations can obscure the meaning that it is trying to get across. Today people see covers of magazines and notices how almost perfect the girl looks. That is how we perceive the men and women today, that they are virtually perfect. It is like we don't really look at the person and see the natural and beautiful flaws that people have.

After reading the lecture and watching the Dove evolution, it made me really think about all the magazines I have looked. I know when I look at the men and women on those pages, that they can't be that perfect. That someone had to have altered the image to make them look like the are almost perfect. It really upsets me to know that that's how people view people today. That basically everyone is thin and gorgeous. Especially today, our society has become obsessed with looking perfect that they are trying to convey that message through photographs.

Watching the Dove evolution was very interesting. It definitely gives me a better idea to what editors do to make the woman look more desirable. This society has put its main focus on image that it is soon going to effect our younger generation. We are showing them that being skinny and perfect is what you need to strive for. What they do is falsification and not relaying the true image to the public.

When this falsification happens women become more obsessed with changing themselves to look like that woman in the magazine, so they turn to plastic surgery. That has become the biggest epidemic in our country and it shows no signs of slowing down. Not only do they turn to surgery but eating disorders will start to occur. Woman are never completely satisfied with their image and usually feel ugly so they look to surgery or an eating disorder to finally get the image that they want.

Photographs should capture memories and not be altared in any way to make someone appear completely different from what they really look like. I love seeing the flaws because its says that no one is perfect and that imperfection is actually beautiful. Because it will start with chaging body parts and then move to chaging hair and eye color because it didn't look good enough for the photo. It is like us as a society is not happy with what we have so we need to altar our bodies to finally be happy with it.

It think everyone should love their body and their image. Looking at altared pictures is not a good way to judge yourself. I think people should be more happy with what they have and not change anything about themselves. Looking at images in magazines just gives someone the wrong idea about what men and woman actually look like. Everyone has imperfections and we should embrace them rather then try to change them. If we do that, most likely there would less eating disorders and more people content with themselves.