Monday, April 28, 2008

What I've Learned From Art!

At the beginning of this art journey, I was very nervous to what was to come. This was my first time analyzing art and looking at it in a different way. I did not know that I would be able to look at art and really appreciate the emotion and time that was put into it.

I think one of the things that really impacted me was controversy art. It made me realize that not everything is accepted in this world. That some people view art in a different way and find it offensive. The one piece that I found interesting was Maya Ying Lins, Vietnam Memorial. Something that was created to remember the lives that were taken was beautifully put together and meaning behind it. But others found it a bit mocking, that the monument was not hoisted in the air, but rather groud level for others to see. It was created so it showed a timeline of the Vietnam war with one side starting off low to show the entering of the war and the other side descending showing the exiting of war. The names were in order of when they died and not alphbetically so people took time to look at the monument. At first not too many thought of this monument as patriotic but rather offensive to have been thought of in the first place. But to me, whether the monument is hoisted in the air or on the ground, it still remembers those who have served our country. It is art because you can look at it and appreciate it and get emotional because you know the story behind it. It also shows that if there weren't controversial art, everything would be the same and not as interesting. Controversial challenges the minds of people to think outside the box and truely appreciate art.

Another intersting concept that we learned was how light and color were related. I loved looking at things around my house and watching the color change because of how the light hit it. I never really knew that how the sun hit an object can really altar the color of it and make darker or lighter. Learning about the lines in pieces of work was really intersting to me. It is interesting how important to it is to see the lines in an artwork because it can give you a better idea of it is two dimensional or three dimensional. All aspects of art are important and now that I know them, I can look at a piece of art and truely appreciate it and analyze any aspect of it.

I think the best way to end the semester was going to the Crocker Art Museum. Throughout the semester we have been learning about art and the things that go into making a piece of artwork. But it just wasn't enought, until I went to the Crocker Art Museum to look at art in person. It really is a lot different looking at in the person because you can see the texture of the paintings and finally understand what the book is trying to describe to you. Looking at art in person makes you really look at the artwork itself because you want to know every aspect of that piece. You find yourself picking what is your painting or sculpture and not because it's "pretty" but because of the meaning and the tools that were utilized to create that masterpiece. Visiting a museum was a good way to wrap up this class and really see what you have learned all semester long.

Overall this class was very interesting. It made me look at art in a different way and truely appreciate it. Everything that I learned will definitely aide me in looking at art again. I have never taken a good amount of time to really look at art and the details that were put into it. But now that I know about the tools that were used, it makes looking at art that much more fun for me. I hope to go to another museum to see different pieces and take someone with me so I am able to educated them on what I have learned this semester. I take from this class, that anything can be art. A piece has its own beauty and whether controversial or conceptual, art is art and more people should appreciate it.