Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Line and Space

My surroundings have become more interesting because I begin to notice some of the key terms. When standing in my street and looking down the street, you can definitely make out linear perspective lines with the sidewalks and the trees that line the sidewalks as well. The telephone lines that are off to the side create more linear perspective lines. Which is really fun to see because it makes it seem that the focal point is the stop sign at the end of the street. You also see foreshortening a lot. Especially from my perspective, my house is kind of on a hill, so many of the objects that are down below and far away look a lot smaller then they really are.

It is a lot of fun looking around me and trying to place a key term to the objects around me. It definitely gives you a different idea when looking you are out and about. It's interesting how everyday things become a part of art that you never would have though of.


Michelle Pacansky-Brock said...

Jessie, Good for you. Keep it up. Hopefully chapter 7 (light and color) will provide you with even more concepts to apply to your visual surroundings. That is the best way to learn! -Michelle

rfrfrfrf said...

Linear perspective is such an awesome thing. My house is also on a hill and its crazy how the things up close are a lot bigger and how the things that are farther away appear to be smaller when in reality they are the same size (tree vs. tree). Great post!

kirsten and josh said...

I really liked how you were literally standing on your street and saw on these things. The thing that impressed me the most about that is that if someone who was not in this class was to go and stand on their sidewalk also, they would quickly understand what art elements and terms you were discussing. It was easy for me to visualize and quick for me to understand. Great posting. I am excited to read more!