Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week 2 Reflections

Wow, in the first two weeks of this class I have learned a lot. I am beginning to become an active looker.

So far I have learned content, which is to look deeper into the images and trying to discover the meaning(s) behind them. I think that is one of the most important skills in this class, because then you can almost relate the artists and almost read their minds. Many of the images do give me a sort of emotion and from there I can further analyze the piece.

I have also learned form. Although it is very simple to define form in art, but it also plays an important part in appreciating art. Rather than just looking at an image, you find the very details that the artists put there for you to see. It makes a person look more in depth and not just glancing over it really fast. Form and content are interrelated, especially when it comes to color. Usually the color of an image can help set the mood/tone of the entire image itself.

I have also learned how to look at images and analyze them as representational, abstract and non-representational (non-objective). When an image is representational, it resembles real things in the real world. When an image is abstract, it less resembles real things in the real world. Then when an image is non-representational, it does not attempt to represent the appearance of an object.

All of these aspects so far have helped appreciate art a lot more. I no longer just glance over an image. I try to discover the meaning(s) behind it and analyze the form of the image. For me to obtain these skills is a plus, since I have never before looked at art this way. So far I have enjoyed this class and it has opened my eyes to new lights.


Anonymous said...


I too feel that learning how to describe and analyze a piece of art makes it easier to appreciate. I think it will make any type of art feel a lot more approachable. I look forward to getting to know you better through out the semester. Congratulations of being so close to transferring.

Julie Bornino

Michelle Pacansky-Brock said...

Oooh, I love hearing you describe yourself as an "active looker"! Bravo! I feel so strongly that being an "active looker" is an essential skill in our culture. If we cannot decipher the messages embedded in the images we view each day, we will not have the ability to make our own choices about what to believe or "buy" into. Cheers to "active lookers"!
